Alberto Lopez-Manriquez
Associate Professor of Practice
Chevron Lectureship in Petroleum Engineering
Research Areas
Drilling and Completions
Geologic Carbon Storage
Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Geomechanics
Unconventional Resources
Educational Qualifications
PhD, Petroleum Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2003.
MSc, Petroleum Engineering, National University Autonomous of Mexico, 1995.
BS, Petroleum Engineering, National University Autonomous of Mexico, 1988.
PGE Courses Taught
Resource Economics and Valuation
Geosystems Engineering Design and Analysis
Highlighted Publications
López Manríquez Alberto and Sepehrnoori Kamy. Real-Time Hydrocarbons: Sweet Spot Identification in Shale Formations While Drilling Horizontally using Geomechanical and Geophysical Parameters, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (IJOGCT), Vol. 24, No. 3, 2020.
López Manríquez Alberto. Stress Behavior in the Near Fracture Region between Adjacent Horizontal Wells during Multistage Fracturing using a Coupled Stress-Displacement to Hydraulic Diffusivity Model. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE), Volume 162, March 2018, pp. 822–834.
López Manríquez Alberto, Sepehrnoori Kamy, and Cortes Alejandro. A Novel Approach to Quantify Reservoir Pressure along the Horizontal Section and to Optimize Multistage Treatments and Spacing between Hydraulic Fractures. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE), Volume 149, 20 January 2017, pp. 579–590.
López Manríquez Alberto and Sepehrnoori Kamy. A Novel Approach for Estimating Geopressure in Unconventional Shale Play. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (IJOGCT), accepted for publication in October 2016, published Vol. 17, No. 4, 2018, pp. 391–411.
López Manríquez Alberto and Sepehrnoori Kamy. The diffusivity equation for geopressure prediction using well logs. Original Research Article, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE), Volume 134, October 2015, Pages 186–198.
Highlighted Presentations and Proceedings
Tofiq, Bery and Lopez Manriquez, Alberto: “Stress-Displacement Analysis of Bedding Planes in the Near-wellbore Region During Drilling” URTeC 2020, Austin, Texas, July 20, 2020. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. doi:10.15530/urtec-2020-2601
López Manríquez Alberto: “Analysis of Interference between Sequential Fractures in Multistage and Multipad Hydraulic Fracturing”, SPE-197107-MS Conference paper prepared for the SPE Liquids-Rich Basins Conference, North America, Odessa, TX, November 7–8, 2019.
Guillamon, J. and López Manriquez, A.: “Simulation of Adsorption Mechanisms of Methane and Carbon Dioxide in Shale Matrix,” Annual Conference COMSOL 2018, Boston, MA., October 2018.
López Manríquez Alberto: “Predicting Formation Pressures from Passive Magnetotelluric Technology,” SPE 166356-MS Conference Paper prepared for the 2013 SPE ATCE, New Orleans, LA, USA, September 30–October 2, 2013.
Woods A. Daniel, López Manríquez Alberto, and Robert J. Mecionis: “High Resolution Magnetotellurics for Petroleum Exploration and Development applied on the Unconventional Eagle Ford Shale Play, North of Mexico,” SPE 162125 Conference Paper prepared for the SPE Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 30–November 1, 2012.
López Manríquez Alberto and López Hernández José G.: “Using a New Artificial Lift System for Mature Heavy Oil Fields,” SPE 157828 MS Conference Paper prepared for the SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada, June 12–14, 2012, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Professional Activities
Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers
Member, Society of Alumni of the Engineering Department, National University Autonomous of Mexico