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Office Location: CPE 4.162
Mojdeh Delshad
Research Professor
Department Research Areas:
Geologic Carbon Storage
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Reservoir Engineering
Unconventional Resources
Reservoir Simulation
Educational Qualifications:
PhD, Petroleum Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 1986
PGE Courses Taught:
Fundamentals of Enhanced Oil Recovery
Dr, Delshad’s research focuses on hydrogen storage in geological formations, CO2 storage and utilization (CCS and CCUS), and gas and chemical EOR.
Awards & Honors:
SPE Distinguished Member, 2014.
“A Peer Apart” Rank from SPE for reviewing more than 100 papers, August 2010.
Award for best paper in Petrophysics, "Assessment of in-situ hydrocarbon saturation in the presence of deep invasion and highly saline connate water" with C. Verdin, 2004.
Outstanding SPE Technical Editor, October 2003.
Highlighted Publications:
Delshad, M., Y. Umurzakov, K. Sepehrnoori, P. Eichhubl, and B.R.B. Fernandes, “Hydrogen Storage Assessment in Depleted Oil Reservoir and Saline Aquifer,” Energies (2022), 15, 8132, doi:10.3390/en15218132.
Mehrabi, M., K. Sepehrnoori, and M. Delshad, “Displacement Theory of Low-Tension Gas Flooding,” Transport in Porous Media (2022), doi:10.1007/s11242-022-01753-z.
Bigdeli, A. and M. Delshad,” Strategy for Optimum Chemical Oil Recovery Field Operation,” Journal of Resource Recovery, (2023), Vol. 1, 1001.
Fernandes, B.R.B, K. Sepehrnoori, and M. Delshad “Challenges in Modeling Microemulsion Phase Behavior”, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents (2022), doi:10-1002-jsde.12647.
Fernandes, B.R.B, K. Sepehrnoori, M. Delshad, and F. Marcondes, “New Fully Implicit Formulations for the Multicomponent Surfactant-Polymer Flooding Reservoir Simulation, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 105 (2022) 751–799.
Abdullah, M.B, S. Baqer, M. Delshad, and K. Sepehrnoori, “Unified Viscoelastic Injectivity Model: Analytical Solutions Predicting Polymer Excess Pressure and Fracture Initiation,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (2022), doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2022.111259.
Jammoul, M, M.F. Wheeler, and M. Delshad,” Field-scale Modeling of Geological Carbon Storage,” SIAM News, Vol. 5, Dec. 1, 2022.
Imqam, B., Bai., and M. Delshad, “Micro-Particle Gel Transport Performance through Unconsolidated Sandstone and Its Blocking to Water Flow during Conformance Control Treatments”, Fuel, 231, (November 1, 2018) 479–488. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.05.099.
Luo, H., M. Delshad, G.A. Pope, and K.K. Mohanty, “Scaling up the Interplay of Fingering and Channeling for Unstable water/Polymer Flood in Viscous Oil Reservoirs,” J. of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 165, 332–346, June 2018. doi: 10.106/j.petrol.2018.02.035.
Lamas, L.F., V.E. Botechia, M.G. Correia, D.J. Schiozer, and M. Delshad, “Influence of Polymer Properties on Selection of Production Strategy for a Heavy Oil Field,” J. of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 163, April 2018, 110–118. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2017.12.074.
Cavalcante Filho, J.S.A., M. Delshad, and K. Sepehrnoori, “Estimation of Foam-Flow Parameters for Local Equilibrium Methods by Use of Steady-State Flow Experiments and Optimization Algorithms,” SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 21(01), 160–173, February 2018. doi:10.2118/179597-PA.