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Office Location: GLT 5.246
Chun Huh
Research Professor
Department Research Areas:
Reservoir Engineering
Educational Qualifications:
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1969
B. S., Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1965
Dr. Huh is one of the world’s leading experts on surfactant- and polymer-based enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods. “Chun Huh equation,” which predicts ultralow interfacial tension from microemulsion solubilization, is widely used for the design of surfactant-based EOR processes. He is also the formulator of “Huh-Scriven paradox,” whose resolution is still being proposed by fluid mechanics researchers working on dynamics of wetting. Since joining UT Austin in 2004, Dr. Huh has started research on use of nanoparticles for a variety of upstream oil industry applications. Some of the applications being developed are: use of superparamagnetic nanoparticles (i) for efficient removal of “contaminants” from oilfield produced water, (ii) for improved oil and gas production flow assurance, and (iii) for precision conformance control; and use of silica nanoparticles for EOR mobility control.
Awards & Honors:
National Academy of Engineering member, 2018.
SPE IOR Pioneer Award, 2012.
SPE Distinguished Membership Award, 2015.
Highlighted Publications:
Prigiobbe, V., Ko, S., Huh, C., and Bryant, S. L., “Measuring and Modeling the Magnetic Settling of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticle Dispersions”, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 447, 58-67 (2015).
Ko, S., Prigiobbe, V., Huh, C., Bryant, S. L., Bennetzen, M. V., and Mogensen, K., “Accelerated Oil Droplet Separation from Produced Water Using Magnetic Nanoparticles”, SPE Paper 170828, presented at SPE Annual Tech. Conf., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oct. 27-29, 2014.
Wang, Q., Prigiobbe, V., Huh, C., Bryant, S. L., Bennetzen, M. V., and Mogensen, K., “Removal of Divalent Cations from Brine Using Selective Adsorption onto Magnetic Nanoparticles”, IPTC Paper 17901, presented at Intern. Petrol. Tech. Conf., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 12-14, 2014.
Mehta, P., Huh, C., and Bryant, S. L., “Performance of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles for Flow Assurance in Subsea Pipelines”, IPTC Paper 18090, presented at Intern. Petrol. Tech. Conf., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 12-14, 2014.
Zhang, T., Murphy, M., Yu, H., Bagaria, H. G., Yoon, K. Y., Neilson, B. M., Bielawski, C. W., Johnston, K. P., Huh, C., and Bryant, S. L., “Investigation of Nanoparticle Adsorption during Transport in Porous Media”, Soc. Petrol. Eng. J., accepted for publication (2014).
Rahmani, A. R., Bryant, S. L., Huh, C., Athey, A., Ahmadian, M., Chen, J., and Wilt, M., “Crosswell Magnetic Sensing of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles for Subsurface Applications”, Soc. Petrol. Eng. J., accepted for publication (2014).
Jeong, C., Kallivokas, L. F., Huh, C., and Lake, L. W., “Estimation of Oil Production Rates in Reservoirs Exposed to Focused Vibrational Energy”, SPE Paper 169079, presented at SPE Symp. Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, OK., Apr. 12-16, 2014.
Yu, H., Yoon, K. Y., Neilson, B. M., Bagaria, H. G., Worthen, A. J., Lee, J. H., Cheng, V., Bielawski, C. W., Johnston, K. P., Bryant, S. L., and Huh, C., “Transport and Retention of Aqueous Dispersion of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles in Sandstone”, J. Petrol. Sci. Eng., 116, 115-123 (2014).
Aroonsri, A., Worthen, A., Hariz, T., Johnston, K. P., Huh, C., and Bryant, S. L., “Conditions for Generating Nanoparticle-Stabilized CO2 Foams in Fracture and Matrix Flow”, SPE Paper 166319, presented at SPE Annual Tech. Conf., New Orleans, LA., Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2013.
Ryoo, S., Ramani, A. R., Yoon, K. Y., Prodanovic, M., Kotsmar, C., Milner, T. E., Johnston, K. P., Bryant, S. L., and Huh, C., “Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Motion of Multiphase Fluids Containing Paramagnetic Nanoparticles in Porous Media”, J. Petrol. Sci. Eng., 81, 129-144 (2012).
A list of recent publications on the use of nanoparticles for O&G application
Brief description of the related patent application