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Office Location: CPE 5.162
Shameem Siddiqui
Associate Professor of Practice
Department Research Areas:
Geologic Carbon Storage
Reservoir Engineering
Unconventional Resources
Reservoir Simulation
Educational Qualifications:
PhD, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 1994.
MS, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 1992.
BS, Petroleum Engineering, Institut Algérien du Pétrole, Boumerdes, Algeria, 1982.
PGE Courses Taught:
PGE 383 Reservoir Simulation Practice
PGE 323M Reservoir Engineering III
Awards & Honors:
SPE Distinguished Lecturer, 2013–2014.
Nominated for “most influential professor” by Texas Tech University’s Honors College students at the spring convocation in 2008 and 2010.
Received Texas Tech University College of Engineering’s Tau Beta Pi Outstanding Professor award, Texas Tech University, April 2007.
Highlighted Publications and Google Scholar Profile:
Siddiqui, S., Walser, D. and Dusterhoft, R. (2018, March) “Well-Placement Timing, Conductivity Loss Affect Production in Multiple-Fracture Wells,” (Synopsis of SPE 180448 written by SPE Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson), Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT), Vol. 70, Issue 3, pp. 61–62.
Al-Najem, A. A., Siddiqui, S., and Soliman, M. Y. (2013). “Streamline Simulation Technology: Trends and Applications in Oil Industry.” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 8, No. 7.
Siddiqui, S., Nasr-El-Din, H.A. and Khamees, A.A. (2006, Dec.). “Wormhole Initiation and Propagation of Emulsified Acid in Carbonate Cores Using Computerized Tomography,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 54, Issues 3–4, pp. 93–111.
Siddiqui, S., Hicks, P.J. and Grader, A.S. (1996, July). “Verification of Buckley-Leverett Three Phase Theory Using Computerized Tomography,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1–21.
Siddiqui, S., Okasha, T.M., Funk, J.J. and Al-Harbi, A.M. (2006, Dec.). “Improvements in the Selection Criteria for Special-Core-Analysis Samples.” SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering Journal, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 647–653.
Dusterhoft, R. Siddiqui, S. Davila, C. and Garner, D. (2016, Mar.). "Enabling cross-discipline collaboration and forward modeling through advanced subsurface geocellular earth modeling." Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 393–402.
Siddiqui, S., Hicks, P.J. and Ertekin, T. (1999). “Two-Phase Relative Permeability Models in Reservoir Engineering Calculations.” Energy Sources, Vol. 21, Numbers 1-2, pp. 145–162.
Siddiqui, S., Grader, A.S., Touati, M., Loermans, A.M. and Funk, J.J. (2006, May). “Extracting Reliable Density and Porosity Data from Cuttings,” (Synopsis of SPE 96918 written by SPE Technology Editor Dennis Denney), Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT), pp. 56–57.
Siddiqui, S., Funk, J.J. and Al-Tahini, A.M. (2010, Feb.). “Use of X-Ray CT to Measure Pore Volume Compressibility of Shaybah Carbonates,” SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol. 13, Number 1, pp. 155–164.
Raju, K.U., Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Hilab, V.V., Siddiqui, S. and Mehta, S. (2005, Dec.). “Injection of Aquifer Water and Gas/Oil Separation Plant Disposal Water into Tight Carbonate Reservoirs,” SPE Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 374–384.
Hughes, G.W., Siddiqui, S. and Sadler, R.K. (2003). “Shu’aiba Rudist Taphonomy Using Computerised Tomography and Image Logs, Shaybah Field, Saudi Arabia,” GeoArabia, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 585–596.
Siddiqui, S., Kumar, A., Dusterhoft, R.G. (2018, Sept.). Equation of state-based correlation for gas condensates and wet gases in unconventional shale plays. United States Patent 10082602.
Siddiqui, S. (2023). “Some Useful Guidelines for Whole Core CT-Scanning for Petrophysical Applications,” E3S Web of Conferences, Vol. 367, Art. 01013.
Madasu, S., Siddiqui, S. and Rangarajan, K.P. "Compressing Time-Dependent Reservoir Simulations Using Graph-Convolutional Neural Network G-CNN." SPE 197444, Presented at the ADIPEC, Abu Dhabi.
Amao, A.M., Siddiqui, S. and Menouar, H.K. (2012, Apr.). “A New Look at the Minimum Miscibility Pressure (MMP) Determination from Slimtube Measurements.” SPE 153383.
Siddiqui, S. and Khamees, A.A. (2004, Sept.). "Dual-Energy CT-Scanning Applications in Rock Characterization." SPE 90520.
Evans, S., Siddiqui, S. and Magness, J. (2018, July). "Impact of Cluster Spacing on Infill Completions in the Eagle Ford." URTEC-2899323, Presented at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
Dahl, J., Calvin, J. Siddiqui, S., Nguyen, P., Dusterhoft, R., Holderby, E. and Johnson, B. (2015, Nov.). "Application of Micro-Proppant in Liquids-Rich, Unconventional Reservoirs to Improve Well Production: Laboratory Results, Field Results and Numerical Simulations." SPE 177663.
AlQuraishi, A. A., Siddiqui, S., and Algadi, O. A. (2017, Mar.). "Influence of Heterogeneities on CO2 Sequestration in Potential Saline Formations." Paper No. OMC-2017-512, Offshore Mediterranean Conference. Ravenna, Italy.
Walser, D. and Siddiqui, S. (2016, Sept.). "Quantifying and Mitigating the Impact of Asymmetric Induced Hydraulic Fracturing from Horizontal Development Wellbores." SPE 181656.
Professional Activities:
Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers
Member, Society of Core Analysts
Past Member, Sigma-Xi