UT PGE Receives Numerous Accolades at International Conference
October 5, 2016
During the Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (SPE ATCE), Sept. 26-28, in Dubai, UT PGE students and faculty received several prestigious awards.
During the conference’s annual paper competition, Pengpeng Qi (MS student) and Yifei Xu (PhD student) placed second in the SPE International Student Paper Contest. Both students qualified for the competition at the SPE Regional Paper Contest held at UT PGE in April 2015.
Competing against 14 other students from around the globe, Qi presented on “Determining the Effect of Polymer Elasticity on Residual Oil Saturation from Core Floods” and Xu on “Discrete Fracture Modeling of Complex Hydraulic Fracture Geometries in Reservoir Simulators.” This marks the fifth straight year a UT PGE student has placed in the international contest in at least one of the divisions (BS, MS, or PhD).
“It was truly an honor and privilege to represent UT PGE,” said Qi. “I received so much support and guidance from the professors in our department, which allowed me to place in the final paper contest. Through the preparation process, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of my project.”
Dr. Kishore Mohanty accepting his award from the SPE president
Three professors from UT PGE also received awards, recognizing their contributions to the industry in cutting-edge research and education for the next generation of energy professionals. The faculty honored includes Kishore Mohanty (Distinguished Achievement for PE Faculty), Eric van Oort (Distinguished Member), and Jon Olson (Distinguished Member). UT Austin had more award winners than any other petroleum engineering program.
The UT PetroBowl team lost in the first round to Rio de Janeiro, who won the entire 32 team tournament.
During the Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (SPE ATCE), Sept. 26-28, in Dubai, UT PGE students and faculty received several prestigious awards.
During the conference’s annual paper competition, Pengpeng Qi (MS student) and Yifei Xu (PhD student) placed second in the SPE International Student Paper Contest. Both students qualified for the competition at the SPE Regional Paper Contest held at UT PGE in April 2015.
Competing against 14 other students from around the globe, Qi presented on “Determining the Effect of Polymer Elasticity on Residual Oil Saturation from Core Floods” and Xu on “Discrete Fracture Modeling of Complex Hydraulic Fracture Geometries in Reservoir Simulators.” This marks the fifth straight year a UT PGE student has placed in the international contest in at least one of the divisions (BS, MS, or PhD).
“It was truly an honor and privilege to represent UT PGE,” said Qi. “I received so much support and guidance from the professors in our department, which allowed me to place in the final paper contest. Through the preparation process, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of my project.”
Dr. Kishore Mohanty accepting his award from the SPE president
Three professors from UT PGE also received awards, recognizing their contributions to the industry in cutting-edge research and education for the next generation of energy professionals. The faculty honored includes Kishore Mohanty (Distinguished Achievement for PE Faculty), Eric van Oort (Distinguished Member), and Jon Olson (Distinguished Member). UT Austin had more award winners than any other petroleum engineering program.
The UT PetroBowl team lost in the first round to Rio de Janeiro, who won the entire 32 team tournament.