Sepehrnoori Wins EAGE Desiderius Erasmus Award
June 28, 2023
Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering (UT PGE) Professor Kamy Sepehrnoori won the 2023 Desiderius Erasmus Award from the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) in June. Given annually, the award recognizes a geoscientist or engineer for lifetime contributions and lasting achievements in the field of resource exploration and development.
Dr. Sepehrnoori holds the Texaco Centennial Chair in Petroleum Engineering. His research and teaching interests include computational methods, reservoir simulation, simulation of unconventional reservoirs, enhanced oil recovery modeling, flow assurance modeling, naturally fractured reservoirs, high-performance computing, and CO2 and hydrogen storage. He directs the Reservoir Simulation Industrial Affiliate Program in UT Austin’s Center for Subsurface Energy and the Environment.
Sepehrnoori has taught at UT PGE for more than 35 years and has supervised more than 250 master’s and PhD students. He has published more than 700 articles in journals and conference proceedings and has coauthored four books. An alumnus of the department, he earned a PhD in petroleum engineering from UT Austin in 1977.
Sepehrnoori is widely recognized for his expertise in both research and teaching. Last year, he won the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal, the organization’s major international technical award. He has also received SPE’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty (2020), Faculty Recruitment Award (2015), and Distinguished Member Recognition (2014). He has won the UT Austin Graduate School Outstanding Teaching Award (2004) and the Student Engineering Council Teaching Excellence Award (2003) and has twice received UT PGE’s Excellence in Engineering Teaching Award.

Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering (UT PGE) Professor Kamy Sepehrnoori won the 2023 Desiderius Erasmus Award from the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) in June. Given annually, the award recognizes a geoscientist or engineer for lifetime contributions and lasting achievements in the field of resource exploration and development.
Dr. Sepehrnoori holds the Texaco Centennial Chair in Petroleum Engineering. His research and teaching interests include computational methods, reservoir simulation, simulation of unconventional reservoirs, enhanced oil recovery modeling, flow assurance modeling, naturally fractured reservoirs, high-performance computing, and CO2 and hydrogen storage. He directs the Reservoir Simulation Industrial Affiliate Program in UT Austin’s Center for Subsurface Energy and the Environment.
Sepehrnoori has taught at UT PGE for more than 35 years and has supervised more than 250 master’s and PhD students. He has published more than 700 articles in journals and conference proceedings and has coauthored four books. An alumnus of the department, he earned a PhD in petroleum engineering from UT Austin in 1977.
Sepehrnoori is widely recognized for his expertise in both research and teaching. Last year, he won the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal, the organization’s major international technical award. He has also received SPE’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty (2020), Faculty Recruitment Award (2015), and Distinguished Member Recognition (2014). He has won the UT Austin Graduate School Outstanding Teaching Award (2004) and the Student Engineering Council Teaching Excellence Award (2003) and has twice received UT PGE’s Excellence in Engineering Teaching Award.