- Ali Abouie. Development of an Integrated Compositional Wellbore-Reservoir Simulator for Flow Assurance Problems.
- Shivam Agrawal. An Integrated Peridynamics-Finite Volume Based Multi-Phase Flow, Geomechanics and Hydraulic Fracture Model.
- Walter Fair. An Integrated Model for Production of Marginal Oil Fields.
- Chao Gao. A Coupled Geomechanics and Reservoir Simulator and Its Application to Reservoir Development Strategies.
- Pinaki Ghosh. Effective Mobility Control Mechanisms for EOR Processes in Challenging Carbonate Reservoirs.
- Christopher A. Griffith. Colloidal Particles at Fluid Interfaces: From Stabilizing Emulsions to Destabilizing Them.
- Sho Hirose. Application of Displacement Discontinuity Method to Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Heterogeneous Rocks.
- Emmanouil Karantinos. Choke Management and Production Optimization in Oil and Gas Fields.
- Hasan Javed Khan. Particle Straining in Vuggy Porous Media.
- Boum Hee Lee. Algorithm-Aided Decision-Making in Reservoir Management.
- Jesus Rodriguez Roman. Analytical Solutions of Pressure-Production Tests with Permanent Multisensors in Oil Gas and Water Zones.
- Alireza Sanaei. Compositional Reactive-Transport Modeling of Engineered Waterflooding.
- Kaustubh Shrivastava. Hydraulic Fracture Modeling in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs.
- Zhuang Sun. Investigation of Coupled Chemo-Hydro-Mechanical Processes with Discrete Element Modeling.
- Xiao Tian. Microscale Pore-Fracture System Characterization of Shales by Digital Images, Gas Sorption and Machine Learning.
- Songyang Tong. Improvement of Fracture Conductivity Through Study of Proppant Transport and Chemical Stimulation.
- HanYi Wang. New Approaches to Model and Analyze Diagnostic Fracturing Injection Tests.
- Rui Xu. Pore Scale Study of Gas Sorption and Transport in Shale Nanopore Systems.
- Yang “Alex” Zhou. Data-Driven Drilling Optimization and Field Development in Unconventionals.
Master’s Theses
- Ahmad Alfakher. Carbon Dioxide Mobility and Sweep Alteration Using Surface-Coated Silica Nanoparticles.
- Abdulwahab Alqahtani. New Polymer Rheology Models Based on Machine Learning.
- Sean Brame. The Effect of Rock Morphology on Steam Foam Rheology.
- Esmail Eltahan. Uncertainty Quantification of Unconventional Reservoirs Using Assisted History Matching Methods.
- Mauricio Fiallos Torres. Modeling Interwell Fracture Interference and Huff-N-Puff Pressure Containment in Eagle Ford Using EDFM.
- Jose Luis Hernandez Mejia. Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Rapid Flash Calculations.
- Julia Jin. An Investigation of Viscoelastic Polymer Flooding in High Permeability Sandstones.
- Gulcan Koparal. Surfactant Retention Analysis in Berea Sandstones.
- Jeffery Shipeng Luo. X-Ray Monitoring in Heterogeneous and Fractured Porous Media: Experimental Measurement and Numerical Modeling.
- Connor Mulkay. Investigating the Utilization of Surfactant in Liquid Unloading Experiments of a Propped Fracture.
- Jorge Navas Guzman. Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Simulation in Highly Stratified Heterogeneous Reservoir. A Field Case Study.
- David Petutschnig. An Analysis of the Petroleum Industry’s Inability to Deliver on Early Production Forecasts: Shortcomings in Probabilistic Modeling.
- Carolyn Powell. Deriving Rock Strength from MSE and Drilling Data.
- Ian Rostagno. Friction Reduction Optimization for Extended Reach and Horizontal Wells.
- Weitong Sun. A Scenario Management Platform that Incorporates Statistic and Simulation for Unconventional Field Development.
- Sutthaporn Tripoppoom. Assisted History Matching Workflow for Unconventional Reservoirs.