
Baek, Kwang Hoon. Application of Different Types of Solvents for Heavy Oil Recovery: Experimental Study on Dimethyl Ether, Organic Alkalis, and Surface Active Solvents.
Bihani, Abhishek Dilip. Grain-Scale Controls on Seal Integrity in Mudrocks: Capillary Entry Pressure and Permeability Prediction.
Krishnamurthy, Prasanna Ganesan. Geologic Heterogeneity Controls on CO2 Migration and Trapping.
Kumar, Ashish. Coupling Geomechanics with Flow and Tracer Transport in Complex Fracture Networks.
Leng, Yu. Numerical Analysis of Reproducing Kernel Collocation Method for Linear Nonlocal Models.
Luo, Xiao. Oil Relative Permeability Reduction From Fracturing Fluid Invasion in Low-Permeability Rocks.
Saini, Gurtej Singh. Digital Twinning of Well Construction Operations for Improved Decision-Making.
Seth, Puneet. Analyzing Pressure Interference Between Fractured Wells in Unconventional Reservoirs.
Wei, Wan. Numerical Modeling of Matrix Acidizing in Carbonate and Sandstone Reservoirs.
Zhao, Bochao. Effect of Wettability on Viscous Fingering During Unstable Immiscible Displacement.

Master’s Theses

Alagoz, Ekrem. Interaction of Fracturing Fluids with Shales: Proppant Embedment Mechanisms.
Alammari, Faisal. Wettability Altering Surfactants for High-Temperature Tight Carbonate Reservoirs.
Albassam, Mohammed. Effect of Cuttings on Annular Pressure Loss.
Alnahdi, Afnan. Design of Single and Multi-Well Surfactant-Polymer EOR Tests in a Viscous Oil Reservoir.
AlQassab, Mohammed Zaki. Modeling Hydraulic Fractures Using Microseismic Events.
Alrasheed, Abdulmalik. Inverse Problems in Drill-String Torsional Vibration 2020 Thesis.
Elliott, Brendan. Development of a New Analytical Model to Interpret Inter-well Poroelastic Pressure Transient Data.
Gallardo Giozza, Gabriel. Estimation of Thomsen’s Epsilon and Delta in a Single Core Using Ultrasonic Phase and Group Velocity Measurements.
Gelvez, Camilo. Optimizing Fluid Cleanup Efficiency Using Mud-Filtrate Contamination Transient Analysis and the Reciprocal Contamination Derivative Method.
Leines Artieda, Joseph. Discrete Fracture Network Modeling and Simulation Using EDFM.
Liu, Chuxi. Automatic History Matching with Data Integration for Unconventional Reservoirs.
Moneke, Kenechukwu. Gel Reaction and Permeability Modification for CO2 Leakage Remediation and Flood Conformance.
Monette, Matthew Ronald. Investigation for the Integration of Associated Produced Gas Into Low Tension Gas Floods.
Morris, Taylor Christine. Indirect and Direct Thickening of Hydrocarbon Liquids as Novel Hydraulic Fracturing and Enhanced Oil Recovery Fluids.
Pérez Hernández, Rafael Eduardo. Simulations of Fluid Invasion During Fracturing in Unconventional Reservoirs.
Sobolevskaia, Valeriia. Rock Physics Calibration of Sandstone-Shale laminated systems via petrophysical inversion of acoustic logs.
Sotomayor, Mauricio. Surfactant and Polymer Enhanced Oil Recovery Application in a High Temperature and High Salinity Carbonate Reservoir.
Taha, Motaz. Experimental Evaluation of Foam for Mobility Control in Water Alternating Gas Enhanced Oil Recovery in a Middle Eastern Carbonate Reservoir.
Tayyab, Imran. Gas Well Deliquification: Critical Rate Analysis and Artificial Lift Design & Review Workflow.
Tian, Xu. Gas-Generated Fractures and Methane Venting in a Deepwater Arctic Setting.
Umurzakov, Yelnur. Modeling Huff-n-Puff Application in Eagle Ford.
Wagner, Ryan James. Investigation of the Correlation Between Waterflood Maturity and Appropriate Optimum Salinity.

Master’s Reports