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Office Location: EER 5.614B
Eric van Oort
Joe J. King Chair of Engineering No. 2 and B. J. Lancaster Professorship in Petroleum Engineering
Department Research Areas:
Drilling and Completions
Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Geomechanics
Unconventional Resources
Research Websites: RAPID ; CODA
Educational Qualifications:
Ph.D., University of Amsterdam, Chemical Physics, 1990
M.S., University of Amsterdam, Chemical Physics, 1986
B.S., University of Amsterdam, Chemistry, 1983
Barlaeus Gymnasium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1982
PGE Courses Taught:
PGE 379/381 - Drilling Engineering
PGE 383 - Advanced Well Construction
PGE 430 - Introduction to Drilling & Completions
Research Interests:
Drilling automation (RAPID consortium)
Big Data Analytics (RAPID consortium)
Zonal isolation / cementing / well abandonment & decommissioning (CODA consortium)
Borehole instability / lost circulation prevention, and artificial borehole strengthening (CODA consortium)
Shale-fluid interaction and novel shale drilling fluids, use of nano-particles
Real-time operations monitoring (RTM)
Hydraulic fracturing optimization and associated water management
Quantum computing
Awards & Honors:
Society of Petroleum Engineers Drilling Engineering Award, 2017.
Society of Petroleum Engineers Distinguished Member Award, 2016.
Society of Petroleum Engineers Best Paper Award, SPE D&C (September Issue, 1997).
Society of Petroleum Engineers Distinguished Lecturer (1996).
KSEPL Experimental Award, awarded for best experimental work in Shell Research (1994).
Invited Speaker, GE Sensing Systems: Intelligence & Awareness, Niskayuna, Sept. 5, 2018.
Invited Speaker, Deepwater Horizon: The Movie & The Actual Event, Princeton, Apr. 20, 2018.
Co-Organizer, SPE-WIA 2019 Conference on Well Abandonment and Decommissioning.
Co-Organizer, AADE 2017 & 2019 National Technical Conference.
Co-Organizer, AADE 2016 & 2018 National Fluids Conference.
Co-Organizer, OESI / BSEE RTM Workshop, Houston, TX, April 17, 2017.
Co-Organizer, SPE Deepwater Drilling & Completions Conference, 2016.
Highlighted Publications and Google Scholar Profile:
van Oort, E., Incedalip, O., Karimi Vajargah, A., Thermal Wellbore Strengthening through Managed Temperature Drilling – Part I: Thermal Model and Simulation, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 58 (2018), 275-284
van Oort, E., Hoxha, B.B., and Hale, A.H., Thermal Wellbore Strengthening through Managed Temperature Drilling – Part II: Chemical System Design and Laboratory Testing, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 58 (2018), 285-295
Enayatpour, S., van Oort, E., & Patzek, T. (2018). Thermal shale fracturing simulation using the Cohesive Zone Method (CZM). Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 55, 476-494.
Cayeux, E., Shor, R., Ambrus, A., Pournazari, P., Ashok, P., & van Oort, E. (2018). From shallow horizontal drilling to ERD wells: How scale affects drillability and the management of drilling incidents. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 160, 91-105, doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2017.10.026
Wu, Q., Nair, S., Shuck, M., van Oort, E., Guzik, A., Kishida, K., Advanced distributed fiber optic sensors for monitoring real-time cementing operations and long term zonal isolation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2017.08.072.
Razavi, O., Vajargah, A. K., van Oort, E., & Aldin, M. (2017). Comprehensive analysis of initiation and propagation pressures in drilling induced fractures. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 149, 228-243.
Karimi Vajargah, A., van Oort, E. “Determination of Downhole Drilling Fluid Rheology Using Real-time Distributed Pressure Sensors”. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 24, May 2015, Pages 400-11
Adrian Ambrus, Ulf Jakob Flø Aarsnes, Ali Karimi Vajargah, Babak Akbari, Eric van Oort, Ole Morten Aamo. Real-time estimation of reservoir influx rate and pore pressure using a simplified transient two-phase flow model. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 32, May 2016, Pages 439-452.
Karimi Vajargah, A., van Oort, E. “Determination of Downhole Drilling Fluid Rheology Using Real-time Distributed Pressure Sensors”. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 24, May 2015, Pages 400-11
Gradishar, J., Ugueto, G. and van Oort, E.: “Setting Free the Bear: The Challenges and Lessons of the Ursa A-10 Deepwater ERD well”, peer-reviewed paper SPE 163525-PA, SPE Drilling & Completions, 2014
van Oort, E., Vargo, R.: Improving Formation Strength Tests and Their Interpretation, SPE Drilling and Completions, September 2008, P.284-294
van Oort, E.: On the Physical and Chemical Stability of Shales, J. Pet. Sci. & Engr., 1051 (2003), 1-23
van Oort, E., Hale, A.H., Mody, F.K. and Roy, S.,: Transport in shales and the design of improved water-based shale drilling fluids. SPE Drilling & Completions, 1996, September.
Karaborni, S., Smit, B., Heidug, W., Urai, J.L. and van Oort, E., The swelling of clays : molecular simulations of the hydration of montmorillonite. Science, 1996, 271(23 February), p. 1102-1104.
van Oort, E., Manson, N.B. and Glasbeek, M.: Optically Detected Spin Coherence of the Diamond N-V Centre in its Triplet Ground State, J.Phys.C.: Solid State Physics 21, 1988, 4385-4391
Quotations in the Press:
- NPR Marketplace, Amy Choi, August 2018,
- NPR Marketplace, Andy Uhler, May 2018,
- US News, Alan Neuhauser, May 2018,
- Daily Texan, Jennifer Liu, April 2018,
- NPR, Mose Buchele, March 2018, ;
- Rigzone, Robotics and Automation: The Oil, Gas Skillsets of the Future, Nov.15, 2017,
- JPT, SPE Announces 2017 International Award Recipients, Aug. 1, 2017,
- JPT, Steven Whitfield, Workforce Education Key to Understanding Drilling Data, May 1, 2017,
- JPT, University Consortium Prepares for Spike in Decommissioning, Apr. 4, 2017,
- Houston Chronicle, Lydia DePillis: Occidental Finds Strategy for Growth: Hold the Layoffs, Feb. 16, 2017,